


Sketches of the Cat Show at the Crystal Palace

 Sketches of the C...

Poultry and Pigeon Show at the Crystal Palace

 Poultry and Pigeo...

The Clapperstork Story

 The Clapperstork ...

Contented and Comfortable Before his Own Door

 Contented and Com...

Leading the King

 Leading the King





And the Cat Might Really Get It

 And the Cat Might...

The Museum - Another Glimpse (Downstairs)

 The Museum - Anot...

Parrot Fish and John Dory

 Parrot Fish and J...

Esquimaux and Collies

 Esquimaux and Col...

Grammar More Than Illustrated

 Grammar More Than...

The Cat's Party

 The Cat's Party

Nature's Fitful Moments — Sketches from the National Poultry Show, Crystal Palace

 Nature's Fit...







A Kitten Line

 A Kitten Line

Six Cat Studies

 Six Cat Studies

Prize Cats

 Prize Cats

It Takes All Sorts

 It Takes All Sorts

Five Champion Cats

 Five Champion Cats

Dog Border for Picture Stamps

 Dog Border for Pi...

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