
He Loved to Watch the Swans Which Sailed Down the Little River

 He Loved to Watch...

What Could The Wisest Cat Know of Bees?

 What Could The Wi...

Til the Cows Come Home

 Til the Cows Come...

He Walked Out and Watched the Hares

 He Walked Out and...







Some of the Others

 Some of the Others





The Squib

 The Squib

Our Other Friends

 Our Other Friends

The Magic Lantern

 The Magic Lantern

Miss Muffet

 Miss Muffet

The Whole Room Was Startled by a Terrific Mew From Smiffkins (See p.65)

 The Whole Room Wa...

Mrs. Purrkins Writing the Invitations (See p.20)

 Mrs. Purrkins Wri...

(Frontispiece) He Held Out a Paw to the Struggling Puss (See p.42)

 (Frontispiece) He...

Adventures of Tom Scratch - Tom Tries to Rid the Town of Tramps

 Adventures of Tom...

The Tail End

 The Tail End

Mouse or Jugged Hare?

 Mouse or Jugged H...

The Cats' Excursion

 The Cats' Ex...

Pussykins Grew Very Cross

 Pussykins Grew Ve...

Mrs. Tiny and Kitty

 Mrs. Tiny and Kitty

At The Dentist's

 At The Dentist�...

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