
The Queer People Who Had Pitched Their Tents in the Surrounding Houses

 The Queer People ...

Fate Ordained It

 Fate Ordained It

Melanthe Calmly Seized Him With Her Teeth By His Belt, Lifted Him Up, Shook Him

 Melanthe Calmly S...

If Asked to Take a Ditch She Would Blunder Through It By Choice

 If Asked to Take ...



Coarse Grass, Heather, Gorse, Sweet Briar, and Brambles

 Coarse Grass, Hea...

The Rusty Knight

 The Rusty Knight

The Cat's Wedding

 The Cat's We...

Speak Sardines Speak! (Diner - 'Are These The French Sardines That You Have Given Me,' Irish Waiter - 'Now As Is That I Can't Say, For They Were Pasht Shpaking Whin We Opened The Box')

 Speak Sardines Sp...

Oh Dear Friend, It Is Like You, Certainly, Badly Painted

 Oh Dear Friend, I...

He: I Went To The Zoo Yesterday - She: My Word! I Went There Too Looking For You. Which Cage Were You In

 He: I Went To The...

The Socialist's Idea of a Rise in the World

 The Socialist...

The Insurance Bill

 The Insurance Bill

Man And His Master - She: 'What an Awfully Pretty Girl!' He: 'As in a Looking Glass, Eh'

 Man And His Maste...

John, What Are You Doing with my Rouge? He (Hastily) - I'm Making up for The Part of the Puppet

 John, What Are Yo...

Good Gracious! What a Sight!

 Good Gracious! Wh...

Topics of Conversation

 Topics of Convers...

Cats at Play (I Am a Special Constable - So All You Boys and Girls Be Good)

 Cats at Play (I A...

Just One Please, Begged Tommy

 Just One Please, ...

A Foolish Mishap

 A Foolish Mishap

I've Caught You At Last!

 I've Caught ...

Even the Kilkenny Cats have Shaken Hands and Gone to the Front

 Even the Kilkenny...

Ladies of the Ballet

 Ladies of the Ballet

Drury Lane

 Drury Lane

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