
We Play At “Lords” On The 29th

 We Play At &ldquo...

The First Skate of the Season

 The First Skate o...

Market Day

 Market Day



Sing On, Sweet Bird

 Sing On, Sweet Bird

In Trouble

 In Trouble

The Motor Car A Help To Matrimony

 The Motor Car A H...

Rambling Sketches, Headcorn, Kent

 Rambling Sketches...

The Christmas Invitation - A Hoax (The Hospitality That Failed - A Winter Hoax)

 The Christmas Inv...

Views of Wentworth Houses

 Views of Wentwort...

Sketches at Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, with Milton's Cottage

 Sketches at Chalf...

Sir Charles Warren, Chief Commissioner of Metropolitan Police, trying Bloodhounds in Hyde Park

 Sir Charles Warre...

The Owls

 The Owls

Rooster and Dog

 Rooster and Dog

Puppy in a Basket

 Puppy in a Basket

Our Farm - The Troubles & Successes Thereof

 Our Farm - The Tr...



Birds Protecting Their Eggs

 Birds Protecting ...

The Poodles

 The Poodles

Call That Thing a Social Introduction!

 Call That Thing a...

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