
How Sepp Went A-Wooing

 How Sepp Went A-W...



Heaven and Hell

 Heaven and Hell

Dreams by French Firesides

 Dreams by French ...

A Dainty Glutton

 A Dainty Glutton

Slowly Home They Had To Creep

 Slowly Home They ...



Rambling Sketches, Headcorn, Kent

 Rambling Sketches...

Sketches at Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, with Milton's Cottage

 Sketches at Chalf...

Sir Charles Warren, Chief Commissioner of Metropolitan Police, trying Bloodhounds in Hyde Park

 Sir Charles Warre...

Performing Animals at the World's Fair, Islington

 Performing Animal...

Father and Son

 Father and Son

Puppy in a Basket

 Puppy in a Basket



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