




Our Prima Donna Takes “Come, Birdie, Come,” As An Encore Song

 Our Prima Donna T...



The Angler’s Club - Weighing In

 The Angler’...

We Made An Apple-pie Bed For Ma And Pa! Then We Put Ink In Their Water-basin And On Their Brushes, And We Dressed Ourselves In Their Clothes! Pa Was Very Angry, And Ma Fainted When She Saw Her Hats!

 We Made An Apple-...

Charlie's Christmas Dream

 Charlie's Ch...

If We Fell In This Pan We Should Certainly Drown

 If We Fell In Thi...

There's Some Nice New Milk In The Kitchen Pan, And You May Drink It, If You Can

 There's Some...

"Please Stay With Me," The Kitten Said, "And Let Us Talk And Play," But The Birdie Feated The Kitten's Claws, And Swiftly Flew Away

 "Please Stay...

"Good Morning, Little Kitten," Chirped This Yellow Little Bird

 "Good Mornin...

When It Found The Little Jap Was Nothing But A Sawdust Dolly

 When It Found The...

A Kitten It Was, That Suffered Like This - Cupid Strikes Home - Beware, Gentle Miss

 A Kitten It Was, ...

Christmas In Kittentown

 Christmas In Kitt...

Our Club

 Our Club

Does Your Wine Merchant Give You Credit?

 Does Your Wine Me...



I Do Believe Birdie Saw Me

 I Do Believe Bird...

Osram Lamps

 Osram Lamps

Cats Go Fishing

 Cats Go Fishing

Cats at the Offices of The Illustrated London

 Cats at the Offic...

Our Darlings

 Our Darlings

Waking Dad

 Waking Dad

'Tis Mr. Tabb

 'Tis Mr. Tabb

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