
Who Put the Salt In This Water?

 Who Put the Salt ...

The Pussy-Cats' Barber

 The Pussy-Cats�...

Pussie's Speech

 Pussie's Speech

Quite Quiet and Cold

 Quite Quiet and Cold

The Scholar & The Dunce

 The Scholar &...

The Gourmand

 The Gourmand

The Prospective One

 The Prospective One

A Bite At Last

 A Bite At Last

The Disobedient Kitten

 The Disobedient K...

Peter At The Barbers

 Peter At The Barbers

Tommy and Tabby at Play

 Tommy and Tabby a...

Tabby and Tommy at Work - We Feel Hurt

 Tabby and Tommy a...

A Bass Note

 A Bass Note

Gracious, I Did Not Know You Were A Manx

 Gracious, I Did N...

The Brute

 The Brute



Sister Mary Jane's Top Note

 Sister Mary Jane&...

It Always Was So

 It Always Was So

The Cat's Wedding

 The Cat's We...

The Skipping Cat

 The Skipping Cat

Pussy’s Adventures

 Pussy’s Adv...

More Cats from Italy

 More Cats from Italy

Four-Footed Indians

 Four-Footed Indians

Cats from Scotland (Scottish Cats)

 Cats from Scotlan...

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