
It's No Use Pretending, Miss Pussy, That You're Fond of Music So Sweet

 It's No Use ...

A story of Three Kittens

 A story of Three ...

The Caterpillars

 The Caterpillars

Mr. Owl Drove Polly Out

 Mr. Owl Drove Pol...

Shooting Game

 Shooting Game

Singing the Praises

 Singing the Praises



Pleasant Daydreams

 Pleasant Daydreams

Dog and Cat

 Dog and Cat

And the Cat Might Really Get It

 And the Cat Might...

Taking Shelter (Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law)

 Taking Shelter (P...

Anxious Rooks

 Anxious Rooks



The Sea Serpent

 The Sea Serpent



Sing On, Sweet Bird

 Sing On, Sweet Bird

Why Don't The Birds Come?

 Why Don't Th...



An Unperceived Danger

 An Unperceived Da...

The Three Little Kittens Find Their Mittens

 The Three Little ...

A Kittens' Christmas Party

 A Kittens' C...

A Gang of Assassins Startled by Butterflies

 A Gang of Assassi...

Our Cats, a Domestic History

 Our Cats, a Domes...

Miss Lovemouse's Letters

 Miss Lovemouse�...

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