
Dog's Tea Party

 Dog's Tea Party

Bear Hunting

 Bear Hunting



Baby Plovers

 Baby Plovers

Forest Life

 Forest Life

Springtime Rabbits

 Springtime Rabbits



Run Henry, There's a Brick Coming!

 Run Henry, There&...

We Shall Be Home At

 We Shall Be Home At

Let Me Give You Lift Up, Mr. Bear

 Let Me Give You L...

Eliza, Are They All Your Laying?

 Eliza, Are They A...

Dolly Went Bathing & Sunk to the Bottom of the Sea

 Dolly Went Bathin...

The Discussion

 The Discussion

Hoot Ooh! You Are a Swell Personage

 Hoot Ooh! You Are...

The Magic City

 The Magic City

Manchu Chi-Li & Manchu Shansi

 Manchu Chi-Li &am...

Lake Scenes

 Lake Scenes

Racing Canaries

 Racing Canaries

Fun in Dogland

 Fun in Dogland

Cows on Pasture

 Cows on Pasture

Panorama Background II

 Panorama Backgrou...

Tricky Held Back the Baby

 Tricky Held Back ...

The Shepherd Bolted Like Wildfire

 The Shepherd Bolt...

It Was Only Tricky Shaking the Salt-Water Off

 It Was Only Trick...

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