
The Magic Lantern

 The Magic Lantern

Adventures of Tom Scratch - Tom Tries to Rid the Town of Tramps

 Adventures of Tom...

The Animals

 The Animals

Breakfast and Tea

 Breakfast and Tea

Blind Pussy's Buff

 Blind Pussy'...

Hard Work

 Hard Work

The Wicked Thief

 The Wicked Thief

Little Suck-A-Thumb

 Little Suck-A-Thumb

The Hunter Flies, The Hare Puts Up / The Gun And Shoots A Coffee Cup!

 The Hunter Flies,...

The Cat That Went Shooting

 The Cat That Went...

Augustus and the Soup

 Augustus and the ...

Head In Air and Quite Content

 Head In Air and Q...

Agrippa Plunged Them in the Ink

 Agrippa Plunged T...

The Inky Cats

 The Inky Cats

Harriet and the Matches

 Harriet and the M...

Plainly Philip Is Not Able, To Behave Himself At Table!

 Plainly Philip Is...

Fidgety Phil

 Fidgety Phil

Cats from Holland (Dutch Cats)

 Cats from Holland...

More Cats from Ireland

 More Cats from Ir...

H is Hippopotamus

 H is Hippopotamus

Cats at Play

 Cats at Play

Comic Animals ABC

 Comic Animals ABC



Cats From North America - Red Indian Cats

 Cats From North A...

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