
It's horrid to be scratched by thistles.

 It's horrid ...

A Happy Face

 A Happy Face

Dressed in his Best

 Dressed in his Best

The Rose Kitty Which Has No Thorns

 The Rose Kitty Wh...

Cat Playing Cricket

 Cat Playing Cricket

I Know A Thing Or Two, Eh What!

 I Know A Thing Or...

Sweet Scented

 Sweet Scented

Stalking In the Garden

 Stalking In the G...





Early Spaniol

 Early Spaniol

Cat at a Piano

 Cat at a Piano

Scrumping Apples

 Scrumping Apples

Left in Charge

 Left in Charge

Ambivalence Sprinkles

 Ambivalence Sprin...

An Excited Cat

 An Excited Cat





The New Hat

 The New Hat

Monarch of the Garden

 Monarch of the Ga...

Cat with Delphiniums

 Cat with Delphiniums



Cat Amongst Vines

 Cat Amongst Vines

Cat Amongst the Flowers

 Cat Amongst the F...

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