
Polly Could Hardly Hold On

 Polly Could Hardl...

Down the Chimney Fell Polly Puss

 Down the Chimney ...

Saved from Mrs. Tibby's Clutches

 Saved from Mrs. T...

The Lady and the Tramp

 The Lady and the ...

First Life - Mother to the Rescue

 First Life - Moth...

A Rose Between Two Thorns

 A Rose Between Tw...

What Can We Do For You, Madam?

 What Can We Do Fo...

So This is the New Pet, Is It?

 So This is the Ne...

It's A Dolls Tea-Party, So You Must Pretend

 It's A Dolls...





Holiday Home, Indeed!

 Holiday Home, Ind...

Mr. Thomas Tabby In A Temper

 Mr. Thomas Tabby ...

We've Come

 We've Come

Three Old Maids

 Three Old Maids

A Funny Story

 A Funny Story

Stop! That Is My Bag of Books!

 Stop! That Is My ...

The China Cat

 The China Cat

Deceitful Elizabeth

 Deceitful Elizabeth

As Soon As The Old Dame Went Out Shopping, Elizabeth Spoke Very Sternly To The Kittens

 As Soon As The Ol...

A Musical Trio

 A Musical Trio

Harry's Joke

 Harry's Joke

Well, It Isn't My Fault That Dinner's Late

 Well, It Isn'...

Blind Pussy's Buff

 Blind Pussy'...

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