
Lost: A Pair of Specs!

 Lost: A Pair of S...

Those With Feelings Wondrous Kind Our Love With Felines Ever Bind

 Those With Feelin...

Her Father's Pride

 Her Father's...





Little Tommy Tucker

 Little Tommy Tucker

Girls and Boys

 Girls and Boys

I’d Be a Sailor, the Handy Cat

 I’d Be a Sa...

On the Land

 On the Land

The Farmer's Singing Daughter

 The Farmer's...

The Farmer's Boy

 The Farmer's...

The Portrait Painter

 The Portrait Painter

Cats from Spain - Rain and Spain

 Cats from Spain -...

Cats from Ireland

 Cats from Ireland

Cats from England

 Cats from England

The Kitchen Maid

 The Kitchen Maid

Little Jack Horner

 Little Jack Horner

Another Terrible Enemy

 Another Terrible ...

Mixed Pickles

 Mixed Pickles

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