
Splendid Night’s Work, but There Is Nothing More to Eat Among the Whole Lot

 Splendid Night&rs...

I'm Having Quite a Gay Time Here

 I'm Having Q...

A Rabid Teetotaler

 A Rabid Teetotaler



I'm Making A Lot of Friends Here!

 I'm Making A...





Good Luck to You

 Good Luck to You

Who Needs A Tail?

 Who Needs A Tail?

A Short Nap

 A Short Nap

Study of a Bear

 Study of a Bear

Out Came Kitty

 Out Came Kitty

I Call Upon The Professor

 I Call Upon The P...



Mrs Herring’s Silver Tabby Cat Lady Godiva, Who Won 1st Prize at the Crystal Palace Cat Show

 Mrs Herring&rsquo...

I'm Lost!

 I'm Lost!

V Is the Vessel Where Doggie Took Shelter

 V Is the Vessel W...

Tabby Cat

 Tabby Cat

Varieties of Spiny Mouse

 Varieties of Spin...



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