
The Lecture

 The Lecture

The Obstacle Race

 The Obstacle Race

Such A Sad and Scalded Pup

 Such A Sad and Sc...

Smelling and Tasting

 Smelling and Tasting

Down the Street a Policeman Came

 Down the Street a...

131: At the Cat-ball match!

 131: At the Cat-b...

Help! Help!

 Help! Help!

Wet Paint

 Wet Paint

Sir Terrier Rough

 Sir Terrier Rough

My Sweetheart When a Kit

 My Sweetheart Whe...

The Rude Puppy

 The Rude Puppy

So He Crept Up Nearer, Nearer

 So He Crept Up Ne...

For His Cold Jumbo Dear

 For His Cold Jumb...

Pity the Blind

 Pity the Blind

Pity the Blind

 Pity the Blind

The Tom Cat Band

 The Tom Cat Band

Bruin Laughed Until he Cried

 Bruin Laughed Unt...

The Hippo was the Long-Stop Made

 The Hippo was the...

The Animal's Cricket Match

 The Animal's...

Thomas Purr the Conductor

 Thomas Purr the C...

The Score is One to You!

 The Score is One ...

The Dogs' Band

 The Dogs' Band

The Dogs' Band

 The Dogs' Band

Down by the Sea

 Down by the Sea

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