
The Singing Lesson

 The Singing Lesson

What A Famous Noisy Band, Quite the Loudest in the Land

 What A Famous Noi...

The Great Violinist Pupwo(?) Will Now Play Ragtime Music

 The Great Violini...

The Dog's Harmonic Club

 The Dog's Ha...

To Commemorate the Victory Over the Rats in His Cellar, Farmer Giles Gives a Splendid Ball

 To Commemorate th...

The Cat with the Bell-Like Voice with a Jag In It

 The Cat with the ...

Being at the Seaside, They Try To Earn a Little Money by Entertaining Visitors

 Being at the Seas...

The Kittens and the Christmas Pudding

 The Kittens and t...



Smiling Fortune Always With You

 Smiling Fortune A...

To Greet Dear Baby's Birthday

 To Greet Dear Bab...

Such Fun

 Such Fun





Ooh! It is the Roar of the Lion, Hurry or We Shall be Caught, It's Only a Fog Horn

 Ooh! It is the Ro...

Thou Cakewalkest

 Thou Cakewalkest

Mr. Terrier's Band

 Mr. Terrier'...



"I Have a Song I Sing. Oh!" "Haw!!"

 "I Have a So...



The Musician

 The Musician

Two's Company, Three's None!

 Two's Compan...

Our Singing Master Joins In a Duet at the School Entertainment

 Our Singing Maste...

A Lizard, A Gecko, And A Tortoise Met And Danced Till The Sun Went Out

 A Lizard, A Gecko...

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