
The New Dog Fancy- Bassett Hounds

 The New Dog Fancy...

The New Garden Hose

 The New Garden Hose



Care Killed A Cat But "Who Cares" Saves The Dog

 Care Killed A Cat...

Mouse or Jugged Hare?

 Mouse or Jugged H...

Don't You Think They're Like Their Father?

 Don't You Th...

When Searching on the Table He Discovered a Tiny Model Rabbit

 When Searching on...

Tom Catt as a Waiter

 Tom Catt as a Waiter

Showing your Dog

 Showing your Dog

Busy Pussies - Please, Sit, I've Caught Them All

 Busy Pussies - Pl...

I Stands For Illness, He's Hurt His Poor Face / He Tumbled Down Hard, He Was Running A Race

 I Stands For Illn...

Late for Supper In Consequence

 Late for Supper I...

The Fisherman

 The Fisherman

Not Guilty

 Not Guilty

The Little Truant

 The Little Truant

Once Upon a Time a Dog Who Was Afraid of Work Invented a New Instrument

 Once Upon a Time ...

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