
Grey Persian

 Grey Persian

The Cat Scouts

 The Cat Scouts

Ginger Cat

 Ginger Cat

The Young Lawyer

 The Young Lawyer

John Is So Affectionate as a Lover, Is He? Ah, That's What the Other Girls Say

 John Is So Affect...



I Believe the Furry Fluffkins Are Almost as Naughty as the Hippo Boys - Don't You?

 I Believe the Fur...

I Even Stop to Ponder Things Over... When I Am Washing My Face

 I Even Stop to Po...

Broken Shafts and Wreck Untold Were Heard These Moans and Laughter

 Broken Shafts and...

When Sudden Came a Plaintive Thrill

 When Sudden Came ...

The Play's the Thing

 The Play's t...

Two Famous Cats from Lady Decies' Catteries

 Two Famous Cats f...

Their First Mouse

 Their First Mouse

Their First Mouse

 Their First Mouse

Family Opinion

 Family Opinion

A True Gentlecat

 A True Gentlecat

What's The Matter?

 What's The M...

Sweet Dreamland Faces

 Sweet Dreamland F...

Louis Wain's Annual 1913

 Louis Wain's...

Louis Wain's Annual 1908

 Louis Wain's...

The Aristocratic Tenor

 The Aristocratic ...

A Christmas Toast

 A Christmas Toast

It Were Enough To Feel, To See, Thy Soft Eyes Gazing Tenderly

 It Were Enough To...

Lady Decies Chinchilla Persian Champion, Zadia

 Lady Decies Chinc...

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