


Milk and Saucer Land

 Milk and Saucer Land



Three Merry Dogs

 Three Merry Dogs

Fish of Brilliant Colours

 Fish of Brilliant...

Esquimaux and Collies

 Esquimaux and Col...

In Praise of Cats

 In Praise of Cats

Polly Could Hardly Hold On

 Polly Could Hardl...

Down the Chimney Fell Polly Puss

 Down the Chimney ...

Good Luck and Good Wishes

 Good Luck and Goo...

Saved from Mrs. Tibby's Clutches

 Saved from Mrs. T...



Wishing You the Compliments of the Season

 Wishing You the C...

The Duel

 The Duel

First Life - Mother to the Rescue

 First Life - Moth...

The Peacemaker

 The Peacemaker

So This is the New Pet, Is It?

 So This is the Ne...

Duchess of Newcastle's Barzois - The Chamption Collie - The Crystal Palace Kennel Club Dog Show

 Duchess of Newcas...

We Have Come To Wish You Happiness

 We Have Come To W...



The Wise Old Woman of the Wicklow Hills

 The Wise Old Woma...

Oft in the Stilly Night

 Oft in the Stilly...

A Dog of Many Friends

 A Dog of Many Fri...

A Summer Idyll

 A Summer Idyll

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