
What A Famous Noisy Band, Quite the Loudest in the Land

 What A Famous Noi...

Making Music Oh So Sweet, Up and Down and Through Each Street

 Making Music Oh S...

This Poor Sad Little Puppy Here, Says the Music Makes Him Feel Queer

 This Poor Sad Lit...

You've Forgotten Me!

 You've Forgo...

John Is So Affectionate as a Lover, Is He? Ah, That's What the Other Girls Say

 John Is So Affect...

Sambur Deer

 Sambur Deer

The Play's the Thing

 The Play's t...

Full of Fun

 Full of Fun

Yes, I Always Powder My Face! It Is Not Nearly So Much Trouble As Washing It!

 Yes, I Always Pow...

He's Crying!

 He's Crying!

Learn to Obey, Sir!

 Learn to Obey, Sir!

Poor Dolly!

 Poor Dolly!

Being Scolded

 Being Scolded



The Policeman

 The Policeman

I'll Tell Canturbury

 I'll Tell Ca...

The Invisible Kingdom

 The Invisible Kin...

The Army

 The Army

Half a Pint, Please

 Half a Pint, Please



Saiga Antelope

 Saiga Antelope

Miau, Miau, Just Look at Me Now

 Miau, Miau, Just ...

Have You a Match?

 Have You a Match?



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