


The Lady Araminta’s Parents Are So Pleased With Tom and Dick That They Invite Them To Stay at the Manse, and Give Them a Great Party

 The Lady Araminta...

Solomon Addresses an Election Meeting

 Solomon Addresses...

Being at the Seaside, They Try To Earn a Little Money by Entertaining Visitors

 Being at the Seas...

Toby Takes a Trip in a Submarine Boat

 Toby Takes a Trip...

Tom Swings Clubs for Hire and Defends a Brother

 Tom Swings Clubs ...

The Orchard Robber Before the ??????

 The Orchard Robbe...

Bring Me A Canary on Toast

 Bring Me A Canary...

The Political Meeting

 The Political Mee...











Alice in Wonderlands Cot

 Alice in Wonderla...



There Is Some Comfort In Feeling At Home

 There Is Some Com...

One Yard and Three Quarters

 One Yard and Thre...

How Do You Like My MEW-sic?

 How Do You Like M...

Speak Sardines Speak! (Diner - 'Are These The French Sardines That You Have Given Me,' Irish Waiter - 'Now As Is That I Can't Say, For They Were Pasht Shpaking Whin We Opened The Box')

 Speak Sardines Sp...

Oh Dear Friend, It Is Like You, Certainly, Badly Painted

 Oh Dear Friend, I...

Mouse Pie!

 Mouse Pie!

Hurry Up with that Dinner Please or the Mice Joint Will Run Away

 Hurry Up with tha...

The Record of a Previous Engagement

 The Record of a P...

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