


Hit Me!

 Hit Me!



It's horrid to be scratched by thistles.

 It's horrid ...

Sees a flock of dicky birds behind a rock.

 Sees a flock of d...

The Alarm

 The Alarm

"I'm drowning!"

 "I'm dr...

Out he walks, very miserable, very wet, and very muddy.

 Out he walks, ver...

That nany-goat he quickly caught!

 That nany-goat he...

The Hunter

 The Hunter

Topsy was a "cat-guide"

 Topsy was a "...

Tattytom scouting through the wood

 Tattytom scouting...

He is not only stout but lazy

 He is not only st...

He saw a long-eared creature whose hat was like the sun

 He saw a long-ear...

He quickly pulled the trigger and hurriedly turned tail

 He quickly pulled...

A Cat Scout Song

 A Cat Scout Song



Cat Tales

 Cat Tales

But, Oh! 'Twas Newly Painted

 But, Oh! 'Tw...

Dog Coming!

 Dog Coming!

John, the Gentleman

 John, the Gentleman

Dressed in his Best

 Dressed in his Best





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