
Puss in New Boots

 Puss in New Boots

Pussies at Play

 Pussies at Play

Have You a Match?

 Have You a Match?

What's Up?

 What's Up?

I Am Quite Happy

 I Am Quite Happy

Whiskerando blowing his trumpet

 Whiskerando blowi...

Mrs Pattison’s Red Tabby and White Cat Chicot, Who Won a Gold Medal at the Crystal Palace Cat Show

 Mrs Pattison&rsqu...

Chinchilla Persian

 Chinchilla Persian

Powder Puff, Don't Tell on Me!

 Powder Puff, Don&...

Those With Feelings

 Those With Feelings

I'm a Poor Lone Widow

 I'm a Poor L...

A Prisoner of War

 A Prisoner of War

P Stands for Painter

 P Stands for Painter

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