
You've Forgotten Me!

 You've Forgo...

What Is It? Me-eow!

 What Is It? Me-eow!

His Summer Holiday

 His Summer Holiday

I'm Having Quite a Gay Time Here

 I'm Having Q...



I'm Making A Lot of Friends Here!

 I'm Making A...





Mrs. Brown's Best Hat

 Mrs. Brown's...

"You Can Take Back The Basin," Said the Old Lion

 "You Can Tak...

Good Luck and Happiness

 Good Luck and Hap...

Uncle Purro Never Sat Beside A Stream To Fill A Dish With Trout Or Any Other Fish

 Uncle Purro Never...

Why Are They Not Frightened When I Bark? I Cannot Stand Impoliteness; I Have Actually Been Scratched!

 Why Are They Not ...

Oft in the Stilly Night

 Oft in the Stilly...

Studying Worms in the Garden

 Studying Worms in...





A Japanese Spaniel I Possess has a Great Fancy for Hats

 A Japanese Spanie...

Pussy's Nightmare

 Pussy's Nigh...



The Naughty Cow

 The Naughty Cow

Let Them All Come

 Let Them All Come

Strutting Tom Cat

 Strutting Tom Cat

Mixed Pickles

 Mixed Pickles

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