
How Do You Do?

 How Do You Do?

Making Music Oh So Sweet, Up and Down and Through Each Street

 Making Music Oh S...

The Breach of Promise Fiend

 The Breach of Pro...

My Intentions Are, Ah! Don't Smile

 My Intentions Are...

Jack's Rude Awakening

 Jack's Rude ...

Cup and Ball

 Cup and Ball

The Laughing Jackass

 The Laughing Jackass

The Rare Père David Deer (China)

 The Rare Pè...

Sambur Deer

 Sambur Deer



The Sniffer

 The Sniffer

Running Dog

 Running Dog

Learn to Obey, Sir!

 Learn to Obey, Sir!

Being Scolded

 Being Scolded

Out Came Kitty

 Out Came Kitty

Dandy Tom

 Dandy Tom

The Invisible Kingdom

 The Invisible Kin...



Sumatran Rhinoceros

 Sumatran Rhinoceros

Saiga Antelope

 Saiga Antelope

Good Luck and Happiness

 Good Luck and Hap...

Oh! This is Not Cricket (Played!)

 Oh! This is Not C...

Cat's Head (Right Handed)

 Cat's Head (...

Little Miss Prim

 Little Miss Prim

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