


The Alligator and the Thief

 The Alligator and...

Wasted Sympathy

 Wasted Sympathy

Playing at Soldiers

 Playing at Soldiers

Duchess of Newcastle's Barzois - The Chamption Collie - The Crystal Palace Kennel Club Dog Show

 Duchess of Newcas...



When Shall We Three Meet Again?

 When Shall We Thr...

A Summer Idyll

 A Summer Idyll



He Walked Out and Watched the Hares

 He Walked Out and...

Don't You Think They're Like Their Father?

 Don't You Th...

Mr. Crow and the Puppies

 Mr. Crow and the ...

Mr. Crow and the Puppies

 Mr. Crow and the ...

Trying It On

 Trying It On

Hold On, Bully!

 Hold On, Bully!



I Had Lost My Cat

 I Had Lost My Cat

Peter and I Left

 Peter and I Left

Jim and Bogles on an Expedition

 Jim and Bogles on...

Jimmy Charged the Enemy, and Bit Her in the Hind Leg

 Jimmy Charged the...

Attacked Bigger Game in the Form of a Large Stoat

 Attacked Bigger G...

Melanthe and Her Two Children Careering Round the Paddock

 Melanthe and Her ...

The Old Womans Mill

 The Old Womans Mill

The Clapperstork Story

 The Clapperstork ...

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