
Making Music Oh So Sweet, Up and Down and Through Each Street

 Making Music Oh S...

The Pet Puppy

 The Pet Puppy

Studies of a Terrier

 Studies of a Terrier

I Know a Hatter of High Degree

 I Know a Hatter o...

The Laughing Jackass

 The Laughing Jackass



Two Big Hats

 Two Big Hats

Borzois and Dachshund Winners of the Kennel Club Show - 23 October 1897

 Borzois and Dachs...



Duchess of Newcastle's Barzois - The Chamption Collie - The Crystal Palace Kennel Club Dog Show

 Duchess of Newcas...

The Sniffer

 The Sniffer

Learn to Obey, Sir!

 Learn to Obey, Sir!

Poor Dolly!

 Poor Dolly!

Pussies and Puppies

 Pussies and Puppies

A Puppy's Pranks

 A Puppy's Pr...

Something That Sensible Dogs Never Wear

 Something That Se...

You Foolish Pup!

 You Foolish Pup!



Poultry and Pigeon Show at the Crystal Palace

 Poultry and Pigeo...

The Clapperstork

 The Clapperstork

The Clapperstork Story

 The Clapperstork ...

The Museum - Another Glimpse (Downstairs)

 The Museum - Anot...

Parrot Fish and John Dory

 Parrot Fish and J...

Dog Border for Picture Stamps

 Dog Border for Pi...

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