Louis Wain Fact #39:
The exact number of Wain artwork out there has been unknown. In various books it has been counted at least 10,000, and in 1902 as 100,000 and 1925 as 150,000. In 1917 Fort Wayne Sentinel cited an exchange that estimated it at 200,000 to that point. That's about 20 cats a day since the publication of “A Kitten's Christmas Party.”
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Tragedy, Tabby, is not for you;
Comedy suits you down to the ground.
Better to purr like a merry crew
Than all cry "Mew!" with a dismal sound.
Up spake Grimalkin and he said "Nay!
Both cats and men have different views.
If I were allowed to choose the play,
Then I would vote for the Tragic mews."