
How De Do! How Awfully Well You Are Looking!

 How De Do! How Aw...

What Does It Feel Like to Have a Comfortable Home, Missus?

 What Does It Feel...

Taking the Twins for a Ride

 Taking the Twins ...

Look Out For Yourself, Guv'nor, I'm Going to Land You Another in the Breadbasket

 Look Out For Your...

Can Love With Felines Ever Bind

 Can Love With Fel...

Broken Down

 Broken Down

Away He Bolted Like Magic (See p.51)

 Away He Bolted Li...

‘Mad!-enough to make anybody mad!' barked the dog (See p.149)


(Frontispiece) He Held Out a Paw to the Struggling Puss (See p.42)

 (Frontispiece) He...

The Socialist's Idea of a Rise in the World

 The Socialist...

The Banged Door

 The Banged Door

John, What Are You Doing with my Rouge? He (Hastily) - I'm Making up for The Part of the Puppet

 John, What Are Yo...

Won't You Give me a Little of Your Milk, Pussy

 Won't You Gi...

Home Rule and After

 Home Rule and After

(Mrs Pussums) Serve You Right Mr Pussums, You Shouldn't have Sung that Top Note with a Tremolo Last Night on the Tiles

 (Mrs Pussums) Ser...

Five Kittens Reverse

 Five Kittens Reverse

A Mouse in a Bundle of Hay

 A Mouse in a Bund...

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