




Contented and Comfortable Before his Own Door

 Contented and Com...

A Tale of Tails on the Sea

 A Tale of Tails o...

Esquimaux and Collies

 Esquimaux and Col...

V Is For Vultures, Who Went On A Trip

 V Is For Vultures...





The Cat's Afternoon

 The Cat's Af...



The Nurse, Who Was Tired, And Fat, And Quite Forty, Let The Poor Kittens Fall Because They Were Naughty

 The Nurse, Who Wa...

You Are Both Just The Same, As Bad As Each Other

 You Are Both Just...

You Troublesome Baby! You Naughty Black Kit!

 You Troublesome B...

Water Games

 Water Games

Help! Help!

 Help! Help!

Down by the Sea

 Down by the Sea

A Fresh Disaster Then They Met

 A Fresh Disaster ...

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