
Fish of Brilliant Colours

 Fish of Brilliant...

A Fight Under the Water

 A Fight Under the...

Esquimaux and Collies

 Esquimaux and Col...

Wilt Go Abroad? See Rome Again

 Wilt Go Abroad? S...

Lad & Lass

 Lad & Lass





It's A Dolls Tea-Party, So You Must Pretend

 It's A Dolls...

The Wise Old Woman of the Wicklow Hills

 The Wise Old Woma...

Otter (Lutra)

 Otter (Lutra)

When Shall We Three Meet Again?

 When Shall We Thr...

Hold On, Bully!

 Hold On, Bully!

Jim and Bogles on an Expedition

 Jim and Bogles on...

Jimmy Charged the Enemy, and Bit Her in the Hind Leg

 Jimmy Charged the...

Melanthe and Her Two Children Careering Round the Paddock

 Melanthe and Her ...

The Old Womans Mill

 The Old Womans Mill

Contented and Comfortable Before his Own Door

 Contented and Com...



Said Jack to Jill

 Said Jack to Jill

Won't You Give me a Little of Your Milk, Pussy

 Won't You Gi...

Oft In The Stilly Night

 Oft In The Stilly...

Sing On, Sweet Bird

 Sing On, Sweet Bird

That Scarecrow Again (Bless You, My Children)

 That Scarecrow Ag...

Sketches at Glastonbury, Visited by the British Association

 Sketches at Glast...

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