
The Colour-blind Painter

 The Colour-blind ...

I’d Be a Sailor, the Handy Cat

 I’d Be a Sa...

Who Said Mouse?

 Who Said Mouse?

Timcat Was Up Very Early and Working Very Hard, and Now He is Enjoying his Breakfast

 Timcat Was Up Ver...

Jack and the Beanstalk

 Jack and the Bean...

On the Land

 On the Land

The Bad Cat

 The Bad Cat



The Mermaid

 The Mermaid

Cat and Mouse in Partnership

 Cat and Mouse in ...

Watering the Flowers

 Watering the Flowers

The Farmer's Boy

 The Farmer's...

I Hope I Shall Not Burn My Hair, My Whiskers Are a Lovely Pair

 I Hope I Shall No...

The Kitchen Maid

 The Kitchen Maid

Mixed Sweets

 Mixed Sweets

In Nurseryland III

 In Nurseryland III

The New Arrival

 The New Arrival

Troublesome Tommy

 Troublesome Tommy

The Thrifty Housewife

 The Thrifty House...

Mr. Stay-at-Home

 Mr. Stay-at-Home

Beauty is as Beauty Does

 Beauty is as Beau...

The Kittens Who Went to School

 The Kittens Who W...

The Circus Cats

 The Circus Cats

Little Jack Horner

 Little Jack Horner

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