
The Lonely Bachelor - Thinks Neck or Nothing of Himself

 The Lonely Bachel...

The Big Bad Wolf

 The Big Bad Wolf

Serjeant Silverwig, K.C.

 Serjeant Silverwi...

Yes, I Always Powder My Face! It Is Not Nearly So Much Trouble As Washing It!

 Yes, I Always Pow...



Getting Home from the Seaside!

 Getting Home from...

Cat with Kittens

 Cat with Kittens



A True Gentlecat

 A True Gentlecat

Beauty and the Beast

 Beauty and the Beast

When She Goes Out Walking, They Go, Too!

 When She Goes Out...

Mrs. Purrkins Writing the Invitations (See p.20)

 Mrs. Purrkins Wri...

Pussies at Play

 Pussies at Play

Their Mothers' Pride

 Their Mothers...

Mi-ew! mi-ew! mi-ew!

 Mi-ew! mi-ew! mi-ew!

Feel My Pulse, Please, Doctor!

 Feel My Pulse, Pl...

Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor

 Tinker Tailor Sol...

Tinker, Tailor

 Tinker, Tailor



The Gourmand

 The Gourmand

Holidays, Hurrah!

 Holidays, Hurrah!

The Concert Party Funny Man

 The Concert Party...

Have You a Match?

 Have You a Match?

The Prospective One

 The Prospective One

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