
Portrait of a Gentleman

 Portrait of a Gen...

Greetings from Australia

 Greetings from Au...





William Gillette as Sherlock Holmes

 William Gillette ...

Walter Passmore in Iolanthe

 Walter Passmore i...

Powis Pinder in Iolanthe

 Powis Pinder in I...

Edmund Payne in the Toreador

 Edmund Payne in t...

A Cross Little Owl

 A Cross Little Owl

The Sleepy Cat

 The Sleepy Cat

All Work, No Play

 All Work, No Play

A Single Cat

 A Single Cat

Pip Pip!

 Pip Pip!



What, Tax Mousetraps? All Very Well For Thin Active Cats Who Can Catch Mice but How About Me

 What, Tax Mousetr...

This Way to the Up-To-Date Year 1902

 This Way to the U...

Guess the Story, Caddy. A Positive Fact, Sir, I Assure You!

 Guess the Story, ...

Tricky Upset Everything

 Tricky Upset Ever...

The Most Precious of All

 The Most Precious...



Musical Cat

 Musical Cat

The New Arrival

 The New Arrival

Reclining Cat

 Reclining Cat

Cat (May 25th, 1906)

 Cat (May 25th, 1906)

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