
How De Do! How Awfully Well You Are Looking!

 How De Do! How Aw...

The Judge

 The Judge

The Young Lawyer

 The Young Lawyer

John Is So Affectionate as a Lover, Is He? Ah, That's What the Other Girls Say

 John Is So Affect...

I Believe the Furry Fluffkins Are Almost as Naughty as the Hippo Boys - Don't You?

 I Believe the Fur...

Mrs W. Borough Brown's Persian, Selim

 Mrs W. Borough Br...

I Even Stop to Ponder Things Over... When I Am Washing My Face

 I Even Stop to Po...

Far, Far From the Pallid Tiber

 Far, Far From the...

Little Betty's Kittens Tells Her Story

 Little Betty'...

Broken Shafts and Wreck Untold Were Heard These Moans and Laughter

 Broken Shafts and...

When Sudden Came a Plaintive Thrill

 When Sudden Came ...

Coming Up to the Scratch

 Coming Up to the ...

Tinned Mouse

 Tinned Mouse

The Play's the Thing

 The Play's t...

Long-haired Brown Tabby

 Long-haired Brown...

I Went Out In the Garden, and Sat Under the Rose-Bush

 I Went Out In the...

Two Famous Cats from Lady Decies' Catteries

 Two Famous Cats f...

Their First Mouse

 Their First Mouse

Their First Mouse

 Their First Mouse

Cats With Any Self-Respect will Always Get Their Way

 Cats With Any Sel...

Peace At Last: The Holidays Are Over!

 Peace At Last: Th...

Talk To the Tail

 Talk To the Tail

Family Opinion

 Family Opinion

Orphelia! I Don't Think I Will Risk It, The Water Looks So Cold

 Orphelia! I Don&#...

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