
Study of a White Cat

 Study of a White Cat

A Shy Offering

 A Shy Offering

A Gentle Ginger Kit

 A Gentle Ginger Kit

I Fell in Love with a Lovely Kitten & That Kitten Was Myself

 I Fell in Love wi...

Lucky Black Cat

 Lucky Black Cat

She Cometh Not!

 She Cometh Not!

A Gentleman Cat, Monocle in Place

 A Gentleman Cat, ...

A Cup of Tea

 A Cup of Tea

The Sleepy Cat

 The Sleepy Cat

The Bully

 The Bully

Mouse Watching

 Mouse Watching

Pip Pip!

 Pip Pip!

What, Tax Mousetraps? All Very Well For Thin Active Cats Who Can Catch Mice but How About Me

 What, Tax Mousetr...

Cat (May 25th, 1906)

 Cat (May 25th, 1906)

A Cautious Glance

 A Cautious Glance

It's Rude To Stare

 It's Rude To...

Head Study of a Pekinese

 Head Study of a P...



Cat Wearing an Eye-Patch

 Cat Wearing an Ey...

Portrait of an Orange Cat

 Portrait of an Or...

Portrait of a Cat

 Portrait of a Cat

The Psychedelic Kitten

 The Psychedelic K...

Portrait of a Tabby Kitten

 Portrait of a Tab...

Head of Newfoundland Dog

 Head of Newfoundl...

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