


There is a Lot of Charm About That Girl

 There is a Lot of...

Oh, Nothing is the Matter

 Oh, Nothing is th...

In Praise of Cats

 In Praise of Cats

In Praise of Cats

 In Praise of Cats

What Is It? Me-eow!

 What Is It? Me-eow!



All the Sweet-Tooth Kittens

 All the Sweet-Too...

A Ladder Tall - A Painter's Pail - A Clumsy Work-Cat - There's The Tale!

 A Ladder Tall - A...



The Old Complaint

 The Old Complaint

The Swell Girl. - "Yes, 'tis I, Don't You Know."

 The Swell Girl. -...

The Lecturer

 The Lecturer

Tommy's Luck

 Tommy's Luck

Tatters the Puppy

 Tatters the Puppy

TommyTortiseshell's Fright


Oh-h! It's the Next-Door Neighbor's Dog! Why Don't They Keep Cats?

 Oh-h! It's t...

Waistcoats for Life

 Waistcoats for Life

I Was Only Quoting From the "Love Letters of a Cat"

 I Was Only Quotin...







Mr. Asquith: "I Can't Get All This Washed in Time"

 Mr. Asquith: &quo...

That's Why We Roast Them

 That's Why W...

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