
His Highness Prince Christian's "Tortoise Shell" Pet Cat

 His Highness Prin...

Kitty's Cradle

 Kitty's Cradle





A Burnt Child

 A Burnt Child



Early Spaniol

 Early Spaniol

Orange Cat Against Wallpaper

 Orange Cat Agains...

Five Champion Cats

 Five Champion Cats

Louis Wain's Father Christmas

 Louis Wain's...

Ginger Tom Cat

 Ginger Tom Cat

A Psychotic Cat

 A Psychotic Cat

A Curious Cat

 A Curious Cat

Wouldn’t You Like to See the Back of Me?

 Wouldn’t Yo...

Tabby and Pansies

 Tabby and Pansies

A Gentle Ginger Kit

 A Gentle Ginger Kit



Second Prize II

 Second Prize II

Mouse Watching

 Mouse Watching

Portrait of an Orange Cat

 Portrait of an Or...

"Nobat", an Orange Persian, belonging to Her Highness Princess Victoria of Schieswig Holstein


Ginger Cat in Decoration

 Ginger Cat in Dec...

A Cat Peering Over A Wall

 A Cat Peering Ove...

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