


The Old Bird-Cage

 The Old Bird-Cage

A Silver Tabby

 A Silver Tabby

Long-haired Brown Tabby

 Long-haired Brown...



Mrs. Brown's Best Hat

 Mrs. Brown's...

Pussy's Excuse - Fluffy Tells Why He Had Not Written You A Letter

 Pussy's Excu...



Miss Pussums at Home

 Miss Pussums at Home

Now Let Me Think, Now, Do I Love You

 Now Let Me Think,...

Studying Worms in the Garden

 Studying Worms in...

How Do You Do?

 How Do You Do?

Dinner, Please

 Dinner, Please

Mrs. Cordelia

 Mrs. Cordelia

The Christmas Tree

 The Christmas Tree

Doggie and the Glove

 Doggie and the Glove

They Slept in Perfect Amity

 They Slept in Per...

An Extra Tasty Glass

 An Extra Tasty Glass

Louis Wain's Annual 1902

 Louis Wain's...

The Inquiring Japanese Spaniel

 The Inquiring Jap...

The Cat Philosopher - What Is The Use Of The Sky Without A Bird In It?

 The Cat Philosoph...

One Had A Coat Just As White As The Snow

 One Had A Coat Ju...

Waiting for That Mouse

 Waiting for That ...

Lady Decies Chinchilla Persian Champion, Zadia

 Lady Decies Chinc...

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