
The Turkish Bath

 The Turkish Bath

A Night Off

 A Night Off



Yes, Miss, Most Young Ladies Are Wearing Their Bobbed Hair Slightly Curled Just Now

 Yes, Miss, Most Y...





Cormorant Greg (Now - For - It!)

 Cormorant Greg (N...

It's Too Cold

 It's Too Cold

On The Way!

 On The Way!

Hold Very Still Now

 Hold Very Still Now

Darby and Joan

 Darby and Joan

Oh Dear! Oh Dear! Now I Shall Get Scolded!

 Oh Dear! Oh Dear!...

Broken Down

 Broken Down

Oh Dear!

 Oh Dear!

Harry's Joke

 Harry's Joke

Cat (Angry With Alarm Clock): "Stop It! Didn't I Tell You To Let Me Alone This Morning?"

 Cat (Angry With A...

Getting Home from the Seaside!

 Getting Home from...

Like That Cat's Skin!

 Like That Cat...



What a Sting That Wasp Has

 What a Sting That...

What Does a Bird-Cage Want with Bars?

 What Does a Bird-...

How It Splutters!

 How It Splutters!



Feline Amenities!

 Feline Amenities!

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