
What's Up?

 What's Up?

I've Bided My Time for Many a Day

 I've Bided M...

Sweet Dreamland Faces

 Sweet Dreamland F...

A Christmas Toast

 A Christmas Toast

One Had A Coat Just As White As The Snow

 One Had A Coat Ju...

Louis Wain's Father Christmas

 Louis Wain's...

It Were Enough To Feel, To See, Thy Soft Eyes Gazing Tenderly

 It Were Enough To...

Mama the Mender

 Mama the Mender

Green-Eyed Beauty

 Green-Eyed Beauty



The Up-to-date Cat

 The Up-to-date Cat

The Bluffer

 The Bluffer

Cooking (What Am I Making? Why, Sparrow Patties.)

 Cooking (What Am ...

In Louis Wain Land

 In Louis Wain Land

All Work, No Play

 All Work, No Play

Perplexed Cat

 Perplexed Cat

The Correct Photographic Attitude

 The Correct Photo...

Simply Sickening!

 Simply Sickening!

I Hope I Shall Not Burn My Hair, My Whiskers Are a Lovely Pair

 I Hope I Shall No...

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