
It Hit Me in the Eye!

 It Hit Me in the ...

Don't Worry

 Don't Worry

It Was Quite Pleasant

 It Was Quite Plea...

King Charles Waving

 King Charles Waving

The Duet

 The Duet

Baby Darling (The Image Of His Father)

 Baby Darling (The...

Unhappy and Curly

 Unhappy and Curly

The Note Duly Reached

 The Note Duly Rea...

Sorry to Keep You Waiting

 Sorry to Keep You...

Five Black Cats

 Five Black Cats

We Are All Enjoying

 We Are All Enjoying

Please Excuse Blots

 Please Excuse Blots

The Victor

 The Victor

The Cat's Concert

 The Cat's Co...

The Belle of the Ball

 The Belle of the ...

Oh, My Poor Face!

 Oh, My Poor Face!

Perhaps if I hold My Nose It Will go Down Easier!

 Perhaps if I hold...

Keep it Down

 Keep it Down

I'm Afraid it Won't Keep Down!

 I'm Afraid i...

I Don't Think!

 I Don't Think!

How Long Am I Expected To Stand This?

 How Long Am I Exp...

Come and Try!

 Come and Try!

Jack the Giant-Killer

 Jack the Giant-Ki...

There's Luck For You!

 There's Luck...

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