
The House Dog's Bark is Louder Than the Church Bells

 The House Dog...

His Highness Prince Christian's "Tortoise Shell" Pet Cat

 His Highness Prin...

The Breach of Promise Fiend

 The Breach of Pro...

Please Pass that Box of Sweeties, Kitty!

 Please Pass that ...

Molly Began to Get Frightened, and Away She Ran

 Molly Began to Ge...

Fresh From the Cow!

 Fresh From the Cow!

The Guilty Conscience - Won't There Be Tears!

 The Guilty Consci...

The Laughing Jackass

 The Laughing Jackass

Bluefunk - The Scare 'em Cat

 Bluefunk - The Sc...

Don't Bother Me, I'm Happy

 Don't Bother...

A Silver Tabby

 A Silver Tabby

Long-haired Brown Tabby

 Long-haired Brown...

Orphelia! I Don't Think I Will Risk It, The Water Looks So Cold

 Orphelia! I Don&#...

Running Dog

 Running Dog

He's Crying!

 He's Crying!

Learn to Obey, Sir!

 Learn to Obey, Sir!

Being Scolded

 Being Scolded

Dead to the World

 Dead to the World

The Indian Cat - A Suspicious Moment

 The Indian Cat - ...

Mew, Mew! Open The Door!

 Mew, Mew! Open Th...

Out Came Kitty

 Out Came Kitty

The Christmas Tree

 The Christmas Tree

I Haven't Hurt Them

 I Haven't Hu...

Doggie and the Glove

 Doggie and the Glove

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