
Polly Climbed to the Top of the Dresser

 Polly Climbed to ...

The Thistles Pricked Her

 The Thistles Pric...

She Slid Down to the Ground

 She Slid Down to ...

Polly Could Hardly Hold On

 Polly Could Hardl...

Mr. Owl Drove Polly Out

 Mr. Owl Drove Pol...

Oh! You Bad Little Kitten

 Oh! You Bad Littl...

There Ain't A Cat Living As Couldn't Take the Lee Side of a Dog and Fly Round Him

 There Ain't ...

I Wonder What It Is!

 I Wonder What It Is!

Did You Make Any Good Resolutions for the New Year?

 Did You Make Any ...

Second Life: Fight Ends In A Real Tub Might

 Second Life: Figh...

First Life - Mother to the Rescue

 First Life - Moth...

Eighth Life - Down The Chimney and a Supper on Cold Chicken

 Eighth Life - Dow...

A Silver Tabby

 A Silver Tabby

Long-haired Brown Tabby

 Long-haired Brown...

Singing the Praises

 Singing the Praises

I Went Out In the Garden, and Sat Under the Rose-Bush

 I Went Out In the...

Betty was There - My Betty

 Betty was There -...

Two Famous Cats from Lady Decies' Catteries

 Two Famous Cats f...

Education - Fin De Siecle!

 Education - Fin D...

Cats With Any Self-Respect will Always Get Their Way

 Cats With Any Sel...

Orphelia! I Don't Think I Will Risk It, The Water Looks So Cold

 Orphelia! I Don&#...

The Tabby Cat & The Toy Tiger

 The Tabby Cat &am...

The Present Day Cat Is Going To Be The Lion Of The Future

 The Present Day C...

Harry Punnett

 Harry Punnett

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