
Peter's Pussies' Party

 Peter's Puss...

Peter Bathing

 Peter Bathing

Tommy and Tabby at Play

 Tommy and Tabby a...



Little Suck-A-Thumb

 Little Suck-A-Thumb

The Hunter Flies, The Hare Puts Up / The Gun And Shoots A Coffee Cup!

 The Hunter Flies,...

The Cat That Went Shooting

 The Cat That Went...

Head In Air and Quite Content

 Head In Air and Q...

Boasting Benjamin

 Boasting Benjamin

Agrippa Plunged Them in the Ink

 Agrippa Plunged T...

The Inky Cats

 The Inky Cats

Harriet and the Matches

 Harriet and the M...

Fidgety Phil

 Fidgety Phil

A Bass Note

 A Bass Note

It Wasn't Milk

 It Wasn't Milk

Did You Say Mice?

 Did You Say Mice?

Mr. Sun

 Mr. Sun

The Flirt

 The Flirt

Judge: 'I Am Afraid That I Must Give You Six Months

 Judge: 'I Am...

I Am Fond of Champagne, It Is So Inspiring

 I Am Fond of Cham...

We Know Each Other, Don't We?

 We Know Each Othe...

The Cat's Wedding

 The Cat's We...

The Wedding Procession

 The Wedding Proce...

The Wedding Procession

 The Wedding Proce...

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