
The Rosebud - The New Pupil

 The Rosebud - The...

Social Amenities

 Social Amenities

Animated Conversation

 Animated Conversa...



Fancy That, Now!

 Fancy That, Now!

Does Your Wine Merchant Give You Credit?

 Does Your Wine Me...





The Portrait Painter

 The Portrait Painter

Thirteen Kittens

 Thirteen Kittens

I Hear a Mouse Close By, To Catch Him Let Us Try

 I Hear a Mouse Cl...

My Noble Kinsman

 My Noble Kinsman

At the Play, an Exciting Moment

 At the Play, an E...

Do You Love Me For Myself Alone?

 Do You Love Me Fo...

Grandma Dear

 Grandma Dear

Playful Moments

 Playful Moments

Hurry Up With That Dinner, Please or the Mice Joint Will Run Away

 Hurry Up With Tha...

Three Cats Hard at Work

 Three Cats Hard a...

Who Would Have Thought A Canary Could Do So Much Damage

 Who Would Have Th...

The Mouses Revenge

 The Mouses Revenge

Uncle's Party and After - The Plum Pudding with Uncle

 Uncle's Part...

Tommy in Trouble

 Tommy in Trouble

Norwood Nurses

 Norwood Nurses

Seated Cat Smoking a Cigarette

 Seated Cat Smokin...

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