






She's Both

 She's Both

H.M. Queen Alexandra's Bassett Hounds

 H.M. Queen Alexan...

Did You Bark at Me on Purpose, Mrs. Yorkshire?

 Did You Bark at M...

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

 A Stitch in Time ...

Miss Magpie and Mr. Frisk

 Miss Magpie and M...

Two Big Hats

 Two Big Hats

We Children Buried It In The Garden Under the Mulberry Tree

 We Children Burie...

Then the Giant Sounded His Trumpet Again

 Then the Giant So...

Fish With Developed Eyes in Light Seas

 Fish With Develop...

Spiny Mice

 Spiny Mice

Two Fishermen

 Two Fishermen

When Twinkles Stole a Cake

 When Twinkles Sto...

The Proof of Love

 The Proof of Love

Soon Afterward, There Came A Weaver's Daughter With An Earthen Vessel In Her Hands to Draw Water

 Soon Afterward, T...

Settling the Matter

 Settling the Matter



They Gally Chatter And Chaff

 They Gally Chatte...



If You Had No Bird, It Was Taken For Granted That You Required One

 If You Had No Bir...

Peter and I Leave for the Country

 Peter and I Leave...



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