
The Old Beech Tree Which Bears On It's Trunk the Names of All the Family

 The Old Beech Tre...

Every Day He Walked Sedately Down to the Old Cottage Where He Was Born

 Every Day He Walk...

The Plucky Little Fellow

 The Plucky Little...

The Striped and Buzzing Enemy

 The Striped and B...

The Tramp Dog

 The Tramp Dog

Slender Laris

 Slender Laris

Among the Monkeys

 Among the Monkeys

So He Hopped Between the Pages of a Fairy-Tale Book, and There He Felt at Home, For No One Understood Him

 So He Hopped Betw...

He Gave His Mane An Extra Brush

 He Gave His Mane ...

Look At His Short Nose!

 Look At His Short...

Murmured Pug Then Slept And Snored

 Murmured Pug Then...

I've Found A Bag of Gold, Answered Mr. Lion

 I've Found A...

Nature's Fitful Moments, Sketches at the Kennel Club Dog Show

 Nature's Fit...

An Owlish Eccentricity

 An Owlish Eccentr...

The Porcupine

 The Porcupine

The Little Truant

 The Little Truant



Don’t Come Near My Little Friend or I’ll Bite You

 Don’t Come ...

Varieties of Spiny Mouse

 Varieties of Spin...

Hoot Ooh! You Are a Swell Personage

 Hoot Ooh! You Are...

‘You Shall Not Go Down to the Water’ Said the Alligator, and the Bears Were So Thirsty and Were Obliged to Go to Bed Thirsty

 ‘You Shall ...

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