
Have You Any Boy Cutlets, Mr. Porky?

 Have You Any Boy ...

Dolly Went Bathing & Sunk to the Bottom of the Sea

 Dolly Went Bathin...

The War Dog - The Cap Fits

 The War Dog - The...

Pity the Sorrows of a Poor Old Hungry Stork

 Pity the Sorrows ...

Dreams by French Firesides

 Dreams by French ...

Puppy in a Basket

 Puppy in a Basket

Our Farm - The Troubles & Successes Thereof

 Our Farm - The Tr...

The Shepherd Bolted Like Wildfire

 The Shepherd Bolt...

It Was Only Tricky Shaking the Salt-Water Off

 It Was Only Trick...

Next Morning Tricky Was Still There

 Next Morning Tric...

He Took Monkey and Stone And Heaved Them Over The Cliff

 He Took Monkey an...

He Began with the Parrot

 He Began with the...

With The Stone in His Arms He Walked Calmly Towards the Shore

 With The Stone in...

The Monkey's Rescue

 The Monkey's...

The Can of Gunpowder

 The Can of Gunpowder

Bathing Allowed (The Water Is Beautifully Warm, Try It)

 Bathing Allowed (...

Hi! Help!

 Hi! Help!

Call That Thing a Social Introduction!

 Call That Thing a...

‘You Shall Not Go Down to the Water’ Said the Alligator, and the Bears Were So Thirsty and Were Obliged to Go to Bed Thirsty

 ‘You Shall ...

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