
They Go Fishing in the Sea and Catch a Fish, Which Makes Them a Fine Fan For Hot Weather - Richmond Herald - Saturday 29 July 1922

 They Go Fishing i...

They Meet an Enemy

 They Meet an Enemy

After Being Shipwrecked and Stranded on a Raft, the Party Drift to A Desert Island

 After Being Shipw...

Escaping From Sinking Ship, the Little Party Make a Raft and Drift Upon the Open Sea

 Escaping From Sin...

They Try to Help Mrs. Farmer Giles

 They Try to Help ...

Best Hair Pins

 Best Hair Pins

Catty Remarks

 Catty Remarks

In the Kitchen

 In the Kitchen

To Those in Love

 To Those in Love

Mother - How Did You Get On This Term, Tommy? Boy - Oh Fine! I Have Beaten All The Big Boys, Given Them Measles

 Mother - How Did ...

Hows That, Umpire?

 Hows That, Umpire?

The Portrait

 The Portrait

All Sorts of Comical Cats

 All Sorts of Comi...

In Fair Japan

 In Fair Japan

Cats Playing Cricket

 Cats Playing Cricket





Apple Scrumping

 Apple Scrumping

Alladin Dress-Up

 Alladin Dress-Up

Cinderella and Her Sisters (Loving Greetings)

 Cinderella and He...

The Plaintiff

 The Plaintiff

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